What Are Officer Boots?

A number of companies offer a military-style boot and call it an officer boot or something to that effect. It means a boot similar to an older style of boot worn by military personnel.
In other words, basically combat boots, though today's combat boots are drastically different than those of yesteryear. However, there are a lot of good reasons to lace up a pair.
Besides being patriotic, officer boots are very functional footwear. Since they can also take a polish, they can be shined up to fit work in any setting short of wearing them with a suit or tuxedo. In fact, wearing combat boots used to be a fashion statement, but it's a good idea to invest in a pair that's actually well-made to really appreciate them.
Officer Boots Honor A Heritage Of Fighting Footwear

Today's officer boots or modern combat boots are typically worn by people who work in offices or perhaps need a sturdy pair of boots for lighter labor, but it's a throwback to footwear that was worn by American soldiers (and others) during the mid 20th century, and in many other countries, into the present.
Military boots of the day were barely any different than standard work boots. Construction and materials were often completely the same, with all the same drawbacks, though a hobnail sole was common.
The standard issue combat boot in World War I was found to be inadequate, as virtually every nation's forces in the European theater had serious problems with trench foot due to poor waterproofing. The typical boot of the time was a 6-inch boot combined with either gaiters or puttees, canvas wrapped from the ankle to the knee.
For World War II, the US along with other countries changed to a taller boot, typically an 8- to 10-inch model depending on what countries' armed forces one looks at. The standard US Army boot was a 10-inch boot , which laced just above the ankle and had a leather calf gaiter that closed around the top.
A special model was made for paratroopers that was calf-height and fully laced for the utmost of support while making jumps, called jump boots.
Eventually, a more standardized 8-inch black leather boot became the standard footwear for all armed forces until conflicts in hot-weather locations required a change in footwear.
Though these were certainly practical footwear above all else, the surplus market made it so wearing them became a fashion statement. This led to an industry all its own making reproductions, though usually of lesser quality of construction than the original products being imitated...which continues to this day.
A certain brand with distinctive soles, yellow stitching and suspect build quality comes to mind...but we won't name names!
Why Get Officer Boots?

A quality pair of officer boots, just like investing in a good pair of any boots, is purchasing footwear that's stylish but - if well-made - is also functional. Like a good boot of any design, you get outstanding foot structure support on multiple types of surfaces as well as good support in the ankle, and the shock absorption that allows you to wear them doing almost anything at all.
However, the upshot of wearing a leather combat boot is their versatility.
It's kind of like having a mid-size truck instead of a full-size. You can go off-road with one. You can tow a boat or a trailer, so long as it isn't too large, and put a refrigerator in the bed so long as it fits. However, you'll have a lot easier time when parking and the gas mileage is usually a little better. Most of the benefits of having a truck, with fewer drawbacks.
You have a sturdy boot that can be worn doing most labor without issue. So long as a steel toe or a special type of sole isn't required, you could literally wear them anywhere and doing anything, from the office to hiking trails to hard work in the yard, and during any time of the year so long as you maintained them.
Since full leather construction also means they'll take a polish, you can also get that mirror shine on them if you put in the time and effort. You'll want to change into dressier footwear for formal dress occasions, as they will stick out a bit if wearing a suit or a tux...though the right pair actually looks great with a suit.
So why get Officer boots? They work hard and look great in equal measure. If you invest in a quality pair, you'll get a lot more use out of them than almost any other footwear that's out there today.