Are Logger Boots Bad For Your Back? They Are If You Buy Bad Ones

Are logger boots bad for your back? It's actually the case that almost ANY footwear can be bad for your back as well as other parts of the body if they don't fit you correctly.
This is why the best boots for work are made-to-order boots that are fit to your feet.
If you need medical advice, you should seek medical advice from a qualified medical professional. Chronic back pain is no joke, and while some can be expected from getting older, there is a difference between regular aches and pains and something actually being wrong.
With that said, it's known that the boots you wear can have a negative impact if they don't provide adequate support or fit your feet correctly. This occurs whether you're wearing logger boots with a tall heel, or wedge boots with minimal heel drop.
How does that happen?
Where Logger Boots, Or Any Boots, Can Create Strain On The Lower Back

It's suggested by some that logger boots are inherently bad for the back due to the raised heel. While saying that has certainly sold a number of "barefoot" shoes over the years, the truth is a bit more complicated.
Without going too far into detail, the human musculoskeletal system involves a balance of many different structures, muscles, tendons and ligaments. The shape of your feet influences how your feet meet the ground.
Your feet have a unique shape to them, including the arch. It may be totally flat (low) or it may have a large curve away from the ground, which is a high arch.
The arch of the foot is the "spring" that propels motion. If the arch is low or high, that means it's either being "compressed" too far or not far enough for the proper spring rate.
Unless you have a perfect arch to your foot, what happens is the body has to compensate. High arches create supination - the foot rolls outward - and flat arches create pronation, where the foot rolls inward.
You can tell by looking at the wear pattern on the heels of your shoes. If it's on the outside edge of the heel, you're supinating. On the inside, you're pronating.
The knee joints, hips and lower back are also recruited in compensation for poor motion.
So, if your logger boots - or any footwear, for that matter - are not right for your feet, and not supportive where they need to be, that causes the compensation to happen and eventually pain to develop as a result of it.
That's why a lot of people report relief of back pain or knee pain by simply using a pair of shoe inserts with arch support.
Logger Boots That Are Fit To Your Feet Will Make That Kind Of Back Pain Less Likely
When you buy logger boots, or indeed any kind of work boots, that don't fit your feet correctly, they will eventually give you problems among which can be back pain.
Put it like this: what's one of the most common things people do to deal with chronic foot or lower leg issues? Orthotic inserts! And how are they made?
They start with a mold of the foot.
A pair of custom-fitted logger boots, much the same, will be tailored and contoured for your feet and their shape and measurements and in so doing, will provide the precise fit as well as support that's needed.
As the boots are broken in, the footbed acquires the shape of the foot. Provided the boots in question are made with good arch support, the arch of the foot is supported and helps to compensate for the low or high arch of the wearer.
This reduces the strain on the knee ligaments, hips and lower back that's caused by compensating for poorly fitting boots.
The better the fit of your boots, the more supported your feet are and therefore, the less the rest of your body has to compensate. That is why so many people have issues with work boots purchased from most retail stores.
Even though they are better than bargain-basement footwear of any kind, they still lack the fit and comfort that has to be built into a work boot for the benefit of the person wearing them.
Good Boots Are Good For You

If you have a hard job that keeps you on your feet all day, every day, that's a lot of wear and tear on your feet.
The saying is that you don't want to cheap out on boots or mattresses. When you're not in one, you're in the other and in both cases you need comfort and support.
The one helps keep you on your feet without causing injuries or discomfort, the other lets you rest up so you can go back to work the next day rested and feeling good.
Bad boots or at least boots with a bad fit for the person wearing them, are the ones that tend to produce poor results in terms of causing pain. A work boot that's made to fit you, and provides the support where it's needed, is going to eliminate or greatly reduce the strain you feel.
Sure, you can save money by buying lesser-quality footwear, but you may be realizing a savings at the additional cost of wear and tear on your body, if not eventual misery. What a lot of people have done over the years instead is to invest in their own health and comfort, with great results.
Do you think you're worth it?