Why A Raised Heel? Benefits Of A Taller Boot

Should you get work boots with a raised heel? There are some good reasons to have one, but for some people it's less of a priority depending on what you do for work.
If you're investing a lot into a pair of custom work boots, of course, you should exactly what you want AND exactly what you need...but always start with what you need to do your job.
Some people prefer a raised heel for all boots they wear - for work or casually - and some don't. That's up to you.
Why would you get a pair of high-heeled boots, though?
Jobs That Require High-Heeled Boots
A taller heel profile is needed for some occupations. Having a bit of lift is actually necessary due to the terrain you're on or the work you happen to be doing.
For instance, loggers and wildland firefighters need a taller heel profile because they work in particularly rugged terrain. Out in the wilderness, ground is rarely flat and you have to go up and downhill frequently.
Having the taller heel gives the boot a little more support and shifts your center of gravity a little further forward onto the arch, which helps you stay a little more stable.
The additional support also matters if you're carrying a lot of gear...especially over the course of a long day.
A raised heel profile on work boots is also a must for linemen and arborists. If you're going up and down a ladder all day, you want to put the arch of the boot on the rung for more security while ascending or descending.
Essentially, having a raised heel - and one with an aggressive tread pattern - are important for people who work on their feet in areas of rough, uneven terrain or people who absolutely need secure footing.
However, some people find they prefer them even if they aren't a logger, firemen or a linesman.
Benefits Of A Taller Heel
Outside of jobs where a raised heel is necessary on top of being a good thing, there are some good reasons to consider getting your boots with a taller heel profile.
If you have high arches and you need that extra support to keep your feet from hurting by the end of the day, a raised heel - along with a well-designed boot - gives you that extra bit of reinforcement and support.
If, that is, you start with a pair of work boots that have good arch support to begin with.
People who work on concrete floors such as factory workers and mechanics also find that having the extra reinforcement cushions their feet from walking on a hard surface all day.
If your boots or shoes don't give you much shock absorption, your knees and ankles will take a beating by the end of a work day. There are other boot designs that are also known to be great for factory and warehouse workers; wedge sole boots are another good choice.
And some people just prefer how they look and feel. Why wouldn't you? A boot with a taller heel feels more solid, sturdier, makes you feel a bit taller. Some people prefer that in a casual boot as well as a work boot.
Get The Boots You Need And The Boots You Want
If you're looking at investing in a pair of serious handmade work boots or heritage boots, chances are that you're tired of what you find in stores.
You're sick of not getting boots that fit. That don't give you the support you need. That you look forward to taking off because your aching feet can finally get a rest. Or maybe that just aren't made exactly the way you want them.
That's why the companies that make serious handmade leather boots offer the choice to get them made exactly the way you want, and with the features you need to do your job in safety and comfort.
You might be able to find a near-perfect pair off the shelf...but that rarely happens.
If you start with a pair of boots that are made to fit, are made to do the job you need them to do, and are constructed for the comfort and durability you need, you'll get a lot more out of the investment.
Get the boots you need, but make sure they're also the ones you want.